Planet Earth
“Is anybody at home here?”
This is a serious question, dear reader! We all arrived here pretty unprepared. If we are lucky, our surroundings were nourishing, our parents loving and relatively mature and we caught a peaceful century. What else could we do but open our eyes, try to recognize whats around us, grow and follow our instincts: eat, burp, poop, pee…. non-verbal communication is difficult, often misunderstood, so we have to cry, scream, kick, wave arms and scratch ourselves. If “we”ever lived times of nonverbal communication … that’s over, not here… As soon as having learned thinking with words we find our selves sexed, labeled, named, with an address, belonging to a society, a family, a religion and so …, we have a birth date and an expiry date. The birth date is factual, therefore fixed. If the expiry date is fix remains still controversial. We do what we can to delay and postpone it. Once we expired it becomes a fact.
Me too, I subscribe to those wishing for a long and healthy, and possibly happy life. Well, life is as happy as you are ready to recognize and be grateful for. Although I like to live and am grateful for every new day; I have and always had the feeling of not being from here. A kind of longing, a kind of homesickness accompanies me… The older I get, the less I can identify with my labels. I am not my body, my name, my age, my gender, my nationality … but I have all of these attributes.
I wonder how that feels to others: “what do you think about it dear reader?”